Posts filed under UN Climate Talks 2014

Dewy Sacayan: Protest-virgin no more

When I was 10 year old, I told my dad that my dream job was to become a political activist. There was just something about  shouting on the streets that intrigued me. Obviously, my dad (who worked tirelessly as an architect) said, "No Dewy. You can't be an activist. You're going to be a lawyer."

A decade later, my dream of marching finally came true. Thanks to AYLI's Rachel Dobric and Adopt a Negotiator tracker, David Tong's protest tips and advices,  I took on the streets of Lima for the People's Climate March. 

The People's Climate March in Lima was vibrant, loud and purposeful.  Indigenous people, women activists, senior citizens, youths and even children joined the protest! With latin music playing and people dancing on the streets, the protest encompassed the culture of South America as well as the beauty our world can potentially have when people come together.

Here are a few snaps of how it went: 


Started the day with a boost of caffeine and energy from Arabica

Started the day with a boost of caffeine and energy from Arabica

AYLI delegate Renee with NZYD delegates Maddie and Tarsh with their slogans. 

AYLI delegate Renee with NZYD delegates Maddie and Tarsh with their slogans. 

Me and cactus man. 

Me and cactus man. 

Dancing indigenous mascots ft. whistle

Dancing indigenous mascots ft. whistle

Overall, I am happy I got to shout what I wanted governments to do - 100% renewables. I am happy I got to spend a hot day in Lima with thousands of people who has unlimited love for our finite planet. And finally, I am very happy I am a protest-virgin no more! 

Dewy Sacayan: Yuriage four years after the Great East Japan Tsunami

On the 11th of March 2011, a magnitude nine earthquake hit Japan. Many prefectures around the North and East were badly affected. Japan was shaken physically, economically and emotionally. 

However, the disaster didn’t stop there. 30 minutes after the earthquake, a tsunami happened. Eight big waves with a height of 8.5 metres crashed into East Japan. Approximately, 11,280 people died or were missing.

Four years after, I visited the town of Yuriage – a coastal town heavily devastated by the tsunami.

Benjamin Brooking: Conference of Youth: In Pictures

I was privileged to speak about my experiences at COP20 to one of my sponsors last night. COP was such an immense, intense, cathartic experience that within the 20 minute discussion I could really only give a brief overview of all that happened. But, one thing I was thanked for in particular was including plenty of photos from the adventure.

Dewy Sacayan: NZ just did what to our future children?

Prior to attending the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Peru, I thought that I was going to have an easy time representing a country that is known to be clean and green. I was wrong.

Contrary to popular belief and perceptions, New Zealand is one of the worst greenhouse gas emitters and also one of the countries who heartbreakingly commits less than its capability. So, we and our future children can say hello to extreme weather and more droughts, all thanks to the New Zealand government.

Like high school cliché groups wherein you become cool if you’re part of the cliques, New Zealand is part of the Umbrella Group, a collective of rich countries who give their best in doing the least. New Zealand portrays that it is doing its fair share when, in fact, its emissions have increased by 25% and its contributions to the Green Climate Fund are two times less than Columbia – a third world country. Awkward.

Despite all of these disappointments, civil societies continue to give the government grief. For example, the Coal Action Network Aotearoa put a strong demonstration where they asked the minister to stop throwing their heads in the sand and start looking at the reality of climate change.


Photo from Coal Action Network Aotearoa by Peter Rees

Photo from Coal Action Network Aotearoa by Peter Rees

 Another more direct instance where civil society gave them grief was when New Zealand Youth Delegation delegate, Maddie Little, gave her condolences to Climate Change and Economic Minister Tim Grosser for his loss of ambition during a meeting inside COP20. Complete with a bouquet of flowers and a consolidated sheet of what the government can and should do to alleviate climate change, the confrontation was truly a success.


Photo from New Zealand Youth Delegation by Chris Bean

Photo from New Zealand Youth Delegation by Chris Bean

It is about time that people realise that we live in a world where climate change is no longer questioned scientifically. We all know how the Earth contains the heat that is produced by the sun as well as greenhouse gases that are emitted by cars, animals and burning fossil fuels for energy. These greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere and traps most of the heat making our climate warmer. In fact, Stanford University’s Stanford Woods Institute for Environment senior fellows Noah Diffenbaugh and Chris Field found that climate change is occurring 10 times faster.No wonder many of our neighbouring small island states are suffering from sea level rise, drought and extreme heat. All of these exacerbate their territories from sinking.


What would happen to our neighbours when they lose their land you might ask?  

 If the New Zealand government fail to implement our target emissions, we will inevitably accommodate citizens from our neighbouring countries as environmental refugees. I am not saying that taking in refugees is bad in fact I advocate the opposite. As an immigrant, I think that helping those in need and providing refugees a better and more secure future is vital. However, I feel more for those people who will lose their land, their connection with their land, their families and possibly lose their cultural structure and practices.

Thus, the New Zealand government who prides itself as the leader of small states upon winning a seat in the UNSC, would need to do more in committing and implementing nationally determined target emissions as well as making decisions that prioritises the environment over economic gain.

Also, our government should include the youth in the decision making process as we are essential the stakeholders of the future. One way it could do this is by allowing youths to join the official New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade delegation to United Nations conferences such as the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties as liaisons or advisers.

More importantly, the government should listen to the policy cries and asks of civil societies. Since 2015 is the last year countries will negotiate in the UNFCCC, civil societies are more fired up to put pressure on the government to make policies that align with what future generations need – an Earth that is below 2 C. As you read this, many campaigns from national climate action network such as Generation Zero are brewing up. Similarly, many international climate working groups such as Fast for the Climate are also bringing together people from different corners of the world to engage in actions that will open the eyes of governments and ordinary people alike to the harsh and devastating realities of climate change in countries that have been affected and continue to suffer.  

This is the year when 190 countries will draft and sign a climate agreement which will determine whether we can look forward to a future with less extreme weather conditions. Will countries actually sign this agreement? I don’t know 

But what I do know is that this 2015 agreement is not the sole answer to the climate issue. What I also know is that international process is very slow because little agreement happen due to the fact that countries are out there to protect their national interests. So what I hope is for communities and individuals give their share in stopping climate change. I hope that we can live a more eco-friendly life so we and our children can have a future on Earth.


Posted on February 23, 2015 and filed under UN Climate Talks 2014.

Renée Annan: Copenhagen broke my heart

It's a tragic love story, me and Copenhagen. We fell in love in the spring of 2009 - romantic to start with. I was 18, had a relatively recent understanding of the enormity that Climate Change is and what it means for us, and I was so, so hopeful.

I trusted world leaders to make strong commitments to reducing emissions, because they must know what I know, and we don't have time to mess around. It was a whirlwind fling, I gave it my all but love is blind and in the end it was definitely a disproportionate amount of effort on my behalf.

Greenpeace got a call saying "There's hippies in Britomart!!! Are they yours?" So for my love I even agreed to the addition of shoes and an official 'Sign On' teeshirt, over my bare feet and flowing dresses. I was walking around the streets of Auckland telling people about the Copenhagen conference as a volunteer for the Sign On campaign asking world leaders to sign on to 40% emissions reductions before 2020.

When it all fell apart I didn't cope well with the break up. To me what was the future of the planet and it's incredible web of life, had been shunned in the face of corporate interests. I was devastated and heartbroken, sick in my stomach, rejected, unsure of myself and totally disillusioned. I had been in love with the hope that the Copenhagen Conference (Dec, 2009) was a real solution to what was so scary to think about, and it was my only refuge from overwhelm.

And then I was angry. Seeing the impacts of extreme weather patterns over the last few years, the ongoing facilitation of big oil and coal in NZ, and countless other assaults on our environment, I have struggled with feelings of hopelessness as an activist and as a human being.

Since then I have found new refuges. I have experienced and seen so much magic and positivity. Community gardens, the Pinnacles in Thames, sunsets over the Hauraki Gulf, political leaders actually showing leadership (obviously not most but some!), local pest control initiatives being incredibly successful, waste reduction initiatives across the country, incredible dedication from hapu and groups challenging deep sea oil.

There are more fish in the sea. COP and I are still friends, I want leaders to take meaningful action on Climate Change, I want them to Sign On. But it is not the silver bullet (even though frustratingly it could be), and there are lots of other ways to Sign On to a cleaner, greener future and a healthier relationship with the planet. So get into supporting action at COP and get into Climate Action in your communities. :)

Posted on December 19, 2014 and filed under UN Climate Talks 2014.

Suzy McKinney: Discharge Summary for Mr CA (NHI COP2375)

Discharge Summary for Mr CA (NHI COP2375)


Discharge & Coding Summary
General Medicine
(ECC Standard Template)

Mr Climate Ambition c/o Tim Groser

Environmental House
23 Kate Sheppard Place
Wellington 6011

Admitted:          06/04/2014 16:45

Discharged on: 2014
Discharge method: Cop out


1. Acute on chronic deterioration of climate ambition
2. Secondary infection with self-interest

Past Medical History:
1. Courageous stance on nuclear powered/armed ships
2. A country mobilised to stand up against apartheid
3. Front-runners in womens´ suffrage
4. World leaders in tobacco control

Regular medications:
1. Lactose 20mg od po (compulsory supplement from dairy industry)

Admission details:

Mr A is a 40 year old man who was admitted to hospital after a public collapse. He remembers falling clearly and is able to clearly document his journey towards the ground. On admission his vital signs were stable aside from a seemingly chronic increased temperature. He was investigated and diagnosed with a serious case of deterioration of climate ambition. Further tests revealed a deep-seated infection with gram-positive pathogen Streptococcus selfinterestus. The medical team also suspects he may be afflicted with a dose of ATHB (Acquired Too Hard Box) although laboratory results are pending.  Hospital administrators are currently uncertain as to why Mr A was unable to immunologically fight off these infections given his generally positive past medical history. Public health officials have been notified.

Senior clinicians in charge have advised Mr A that his long-term health and that of his children is certain to suffer if he does not comply with the gold-standard treatment prescribed. He was also advised that his disease is highly contagious and if untreated will cause widespread infection, morbidity and mortality amongst populations both here in NZ and internationally.

Unfortunately Mr A denies that he is unwell and believes he simply´tripped and fell´. Psychiatric input was sought and Mr A was diagnosed under the DSM-IV criteria with a serious case of Head in the Sand. Clinicians are currently attempting to section and detain the patient in a psychiatric facility under the Mental Health Act but court proceedings are proving difficult due to the strong backing of his powerful team of lawyers, the Umbrella Group.

At this point Mr A is being discharged to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) as clinicians feel his case is salvageable if immediate action is taken. We urge Mr A to take his prescribed medications to protect the health of all those around him and that of future generations.

The District Health Board will provide clinical updates on Mr A´s progress in the ICU.

Discharge medications:

1. Mitigation with binding targets 100 mg po STAT then 30 mg TDS indefinitely
2. Willingness to contribute positively to negotiations IMJ 1 x per month
3. Contribution to GCF dermal patches (not to be discontinued even if uncomfortable side effects persist)

Contributing authors: S McKinney

Clinical team: Mass Scientific Consensus via Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report


Posted on December 13, 2014 and filed under UN Climate Talks 2014.