I was expecting to only be observing at the United Nations Environmental Assembly 2, or token consultation. I was very wrong.
What it came down to was what effort I wanted to put in.
I was expecting to only be observing at the United Nations Environmental Assembly 2, or token consultation. I was very wrong.
What it came down to was what effort I wanted to put in.
Visiting Nairobi and attending the UNEA-2 (United Nations Environmental Assembly) conference has been quite an experience for me. It is evident from the visit the amount of potential Africa holds as a global growth engine and opportunity for Kenya to be a leader in this drive.
New Zealand youth travel to the United Nations Environment Assembly to help the global effort to protect the environment. Meanwhile, major budget cuts back home show that the environment is not a priority for the New Zealand Government.
NAIROBI: Representatives from New Zealand and Pakistan have united in the need for UN programs to support changes to farm practices in response to rapidly changing climate conditions and the risk of drought.
Robin Singh and Piet Ubels reflect on the United Nations Environment Assembly - right after it finishes.
Now I will admit, the thought of stepping up to speak to the UN assembly as the sole representative of over half the world’s population did terrify me a little.
Two people are killed every week defending the environment. This number is rising. Today at the United Nations Environment Assembly we urged world leaders to take immediate action to reverse this devastating trend. To open the discussion we asked them to stand and acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice of these environmental defenders.
Will I gain enough in terms of knowledge and understanding that I can drive a positive change back home in order to offset my footprint of this trip and all the flight trips I have taken?