I was privileged to speak about my experiences at COP20 to one of my sponsors last night. COP was such an immense, intense, cathartic experience that within the 20 minute discussion I could really only give a brief overview of all that happened. But, one thing I was thanked for in particular was including plenty of photos from the adventure.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and I think that translated into a decent amount of discussion time as well.
So, to start with, here are a few photo's from the pre-COP Conference Of Youth (COY). I will follow this up with a photo series from the COP itself later. May you take some time to experience them with me.
A taxi in front of one the barren hills nestled around Lima. COY was hosted at an agricultural university just beyond this hill. Photo: Benjamin Brooking
Youth gather outside the main hall at COY. At time of photographing I knew only the New Zealanders in this image. Now I'm friends with a few more pictured and FB friends with at least half them. That makes it official right?. Photo: Benjamin Brooking
COP president Manuel Pulgar-Vidal pontificating. Also present was Christiana Figueres, both staying just long enough for brief remarks and contentious #seeyouthdoloveus photo-op. Photo: Benjamin Brooking
To the left is a registration/t-shirt collection table. At centre a non-youth (but maybe youth at heart) strolls past. Photo: Benjamin Brooking
We form workshops and formulate plans to overthrow governments('s fossil fuel ambitions). Photo: Benjamin Brooking
With our eyes firmly fixed on a fossil free future #datstare. Photo: Benjamin Brooking
It's tough work, so we like to enjoy a good sit when we can. Photo: Benjamin Brooking
And watch as experienced attendees demonstrate meeting etiquette signals (David showing how to do 'that's the guy that stole my kidney'). Photo: Benjamin Brooking
We join cliques. Photo: Benjamin Brooking
And discuss policy on set of The Breakfast Club #teammolly. Photo: Benjamin Brooking
But, it's not all fun an games. Photo: Benjamin Brooking
And sometimes accidents happen. Photo: Benjamin Brooking
But, what we create can be beautiful. Photo: Benjamin Brooking
And the chance to spend time with youth from around the world, forming fast friendships and strong alliances, makes COY invaluable to surviving COP. #typicalbrazillians. Photo: Benjamin Brooking
Uhhh!? Photo: Benjamin Brooking
All posts by Institute delegates reflect their own thoughts, opinions and experiences, and do not reflect those of the Institute.