Filtering by Author: Josie Olsen

Josie Olsen: Reflections on Media

As a History PhD student researching 1970s Vogue through a feminist lens, the review theme of women and media at CSW62 caught my attention immediately. I attended 10 sessions focusing exclusively on media over the 10 days of CSW, with topics ranging from community radio in Africa to Hollywood representation imbalances to Danish short films on elements of the UN Sustainable Development Goals featuring Helen Mirren as narrator, and many other sessions included some form of discussion of the impact that media representation or access has on women in rural communities/women human rights defenders/women in politics etc.

Posted on May 6, 2018 and filed under CSW62 2018.

Josie Olsen: CSW Week 2, a month later

Although I’ve been home from the USA for almost a month now, the issues raised at CSW62 are still percolating (very distracting for me now that I’m meant to be fully focused on my PhD research again!) In my last blog, way back in NYC, I shared some of my most interesting notes from each day of week 1, so for this third (very delayed) blog, I decided to revisit 3 sessions from week 2 that are still buzzing around in my head a month after the fact.

Posted on April 30, 2018 and filed under CSW62 2018.

Josie Olsen: A Compilation of Notes

The past week has been totally overwhelming and totally awesome. I’ve been summarising my notes from each day for a select audience of my friends and family, so here are some of the highlights from my summaries of each day; some square brackets with my extra meta-thoughts on re-reading this stuff; and, to start off with, some key thoughts I have in general. Enjoy the madness and excuse the messiness, this is what my brain looks like now!

Posted on March 24, 2018 and filed under CSW62 2018.

Josie Olsen: Tenuously linking Harry Potter with my pre-CSW62 experience

I have always identified with Hermione Granger, but never have I felt so desperately in need of a Time-Turner than now. With up to 15 CSW events on at the same time each day, choosing which to attend is a struggle. Like Hermione, I have my own pet focuses when it comes to human (or elf) rights issues: gendered issues around media representation and climate change are my particular interests, so naturally the events on these clash as much as humanly possible.

Posted on March 2, 2018 and filed under CSW62 2018.