Posts tagged #future

Daniel Davis: Disenchantments and the flame of hope

"On one hand, a disappointment on the lack of interest, the lack of push, the lack of future from the diplomats and representatives. But on the other, rejuvenation through the depth of heart, the strength of fire, the power of purpose from the scientists and those personally attached to the ocean."

Posted on August 10, 2017 and filed under UN Ocean Conference 2017.

Daniel Davis: A not-so-distant future

I’m a Kiwi, a beach boy who has grown up by the sea, tasted the salt, and swum with the dolphins. The ocean defines us as it defines our nation, yet the degradation of our oceans is only exceeded by that our land. Our future is in our nature, but we have failed to take seriously our responsibilities as kaitiaki (~guardians) of the land.

Posted on May 26, 2017 and filed under UN Ocean Conference 2017.