Posts tagged #coy9

Natalie Jones: Youth Conference: A Wrap Up

Wow! The Conference of Youth/Powershift has been amazing!

I’ve attended workshops on social media, communications, intergenerational equity (a big lobbying point for YOUNGO at COP19), climate related disaster relief, corporate sponsorship of COP19, and the connections between COP and national campaigns.  I’ve been lucky enough to meet people from all around the world, all focused on one goal: climate justice.

Posted on November 11, 2013 and filed under UN Climate Talks 2013.

Natalie Jones: NGOs and disaster relief

Today is the first day of COY! Such an inspiring day so far, meeting lots of awesome people from around the world. Everyone here has an interesting story to tell. The first workshop I attended was about climate-related disasters, run by Taiwanese youth. Lisa's going to write more about it (and I broadly agree with what she says), but I want to share one other aspect of the workshop.