"On one hand, a disappointment on the lack of interest, the lack of push, the lack of future from the diplomats and representatives. But on the other, rejuvenation through the depth of heart, the strength of fire, the power of purpose from the scientists and those personally attached to the ocean."
Posts tagged #Youth
Emily Rushton: Taking it to the Top
I was expecting to only be observing at the United Nations Environmental Assembly 2, or token consultation. I was very wrong.
What it came down to was what effort I wanted to put in.
Piet Ubels: “You know that one time, when I almost spoke on behalf of the future…?”
Now I will admit, the thought of stepping up to speak to the UN assembly as the sole representative of over half the world’s population did terrify me a little.
Institute Recognised with 2015 Ministry of Youth Development Youth Champion Award
The Institute is thrilled and honoured to have received a Ministry of Youth Development Youth Champion Award.
The award "is awarded to an individual or an organisation who has made a significant contribution to young people in areas such as (but not limited to) the arts, culture, the environment or sport".