Posts tagged #Saskia McCulloch

Saskia McCulloch: The Lone Kiwi

The first day of negotiations for the Paris Agreement are almost at an end, just a few more hours to go. I am in Bonn, Germany. The sun is shining, its 30 degrees and the World Conference Centre is swanky. Things are going smoothly, apart from the fact that I am the only real New Zealander here from civil society. 

Announcing our COP 20 Delegation

We are extremely proud to announce the selection of our delegation to the UN Climate Change Conference in Lima, Peru.

The delegation of seven will be led by Institute alumna Saskia McCulloch, who attended last year's COP19 with us in Warsaw.  

Saskia McCulloch: The disadvantage of being small.

In the UN system each member state in the voting process counts as one. For example, China, Saudi Arabia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Fiji and New Zealand all have one vote each. 

This singular vote is given no matter how large or small the territory or population is, no matter how high or low GDP or poverty levels are, no matter how much each member state has a stake in the negotiations. This values sovereignty as the key identifier of power. 

Posted on November 23, 2013 and filed under UN Climate Talks 2013.

Saskia McCulloch: Straight to the Point - Three

"Loss and damage is the most fragile sensitive political issue”

Contextualizing: Loss and damage has been high on the ageda point this COP. However, its very contentious as many of the "rich" countries do not want to contribute financially and have issues with compensation in regards to the need to find blame before compensation can be given. 

Posted on November 21, 2013 and filed under UN Climate Talks 2013.