Posts tagged #Natalie Jones

Natalie Jones: Why you should go to COP 20

I went to COP 19 in Warsaw last year with AYLI, and I'm returning to COP 20 this year with the New Zealand Youth Delegation. COP was one of last year's highlights for me, and so I thought I'd use this blog post to tell you a bit about what you might be in for if you attend COP with AYLI.

Natalie Jones: The calm before the storm

Last week, to be frank, not a lot got done - discussions progressed extremely slowly despite long hours of negotiation. This week Ministers have arrived and things have stepped up a notch; however, with three days to go there is still a lot of work to be done in order to reach a concrete outcome

Natalie Jones: On Equity. (Or, why the UNFCCC process is fundamentally messed up.)

I’ve now had a week at COP and I’ve come to realise that, despite the massive complexity of the talks – divided into various subsidiary bodies and workstreams, taking place in various settings from massive plenary halls to “informal informals” in the corridors (leading one to slow one's steps when passing a huddle of pink badges and try to unobtrusively point one's ears towards the conversation) – at the heart of everything are issues of equity. Everyone agrees that climate change is an issue: the talks are fundamentally about how the problem should be resolved, and, more importantly, who should do what. Equity is why these negotiations have been going on for over 20 years.

Natalie Jones: COP19 in 5 photos: the halfway point

We're at the end of the first week here at COP19, and there's one week to go. So much has been packed into this week - but here are some of the highlights, or at least those I've managed to photograph. Things I wish I had a photo of: a walkout, an inflatable dinosaur, a 7-hour-long youth meeting (don't ask, just, don't), and the incredible vegan burger I ate yesterday.

Posted on November 18, 2013 and filed under UN Climate Talks 2013.

Natalie Jones: Earthquake Recovery Minister denies climate science: what does this mean for the Christchurch rebuild?

I’m here in Warsaw at the annual UN climate talks – part of what are, perhaps, the most crucial negotiations for the future of our planet. However, to my surprise, New Zealand are not covering the talks at all.

Natalie Jones: Warsaw: The nature of the problem

I’ve just survived my first day at COP 19! To avoid total confusion, I thought I’d ask the simple question: what are negotiators hoping to achieve in Warsaw? Unsurprisingly, it turns out that this is actually not such a simple question. To get to the answer, we need to go a short way back into the history of the UNFCCC (don’t worry though, I won’t subject you to too many acronyms), and also to look at what science tells us.

Posted on November 12, 2013 and filed under UN Climate Talks 2013.

Natalie Jones: Youth Conference: A Wrap Up

Wow! The Conference of Youth/Powershift has been amazing!

I’ve attended workshops on social media, communications, intergenerational equity (a big lobbying point for YOUNGO at COP19), climate related disaster relief, corporate sponsorship of COP19, and the connections between COP and national campaigns.  I’ve been lucky enough to meet people from all around the world, all focused on one goal: climate justice.

Posted on November 11, 2013 and filed under UN Climate Talks 2013.