Posts tagged #Leadership

Henrietta McNeill: Passion and Success

I had a friend the other day ask me: “How do I find my niche to make the world a better place?”. While this is somewhat of an existential question, it got me thinking to how to I got where I am, and I found the simple answer - I do what I love.

Katherine Yip: Why I joined the Aotearoa Youth Leadership Institute

Opportunity.  That was the theme for my first year of involvement with the Aotearoa Youth Leadership Institute.  I always knew that working in a new youth-led organisation would give me the opportunity to gain a variety of experience that a student or young professional would not be able to gain at university or an established company. But I had greatly underestimated just how many different opportunities would AYLI would present not only to me, but to other youth.

Feelings and expectations

At Conference of Youth 9 [COY9]/ Powershift Central and Eastern Europe, the first breakout session involved discussing our expectations and our feelings related to COP19. I expect to see injustice and lots of it in regards to necessary climate change mitigation. Is it just to have this expectation?

This expectation disappoints and saddens me. It does not help knowing that so many others feel this way, although it is a source of collective inspiration. I would definitely consider this a realistic rather than pessimistic expectation. I am not as idealistic as I was once was but surely I have the right to more hope when attending a conference on progressive global change.  

I could write lots on why I feel this way and why it is justified such as that COP19 is really only preparation for COP21 in Paris. Rather than detailing the lack of progress at COP [and other similar conferences] I ask that you think about what your expectations would be for attending such a conference and how civil society should be able to have an impact on proceedings?

In an ideal world, hope will be restored to these international conferences, and they will be considered spaces where progressive change can and does happen.

All posts by Institute delegates reflect their own thoughts, opinions and experiences, and do not reflect those of the Institute.

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