Mattea Mrkusic had a comment featured on a recent Al Jazeera Stream episode discussing climate change in the Pacific Islands.
Mattea Mrkusic: Opinion: Pacific Voices on Climate Displacement
We’re bleary-eyed, brandishing banners in the early morning light. Rae Bainteiti, a 25-year-old youth delegate from the Pacific island nation of Kiribati, jokes that this might be the first and last winter he’ll wear a puffer jacket in the Parisian cold. Stepping towards the press encircling our demonstration, he addresses the crowd in a suddenly serious tone. “Our lives,” he says, “are not negotiable.” As true as that may be, in the plenary rooms beyond, ministers are putting brackets around his future.
Kya Raina Lal and Mattea Mrkusic: Opinion: The Pacific, Climate Change and Displacement
Our COP21 delegates Kya Raina Lal and Mattea Mrkusic recently spoke to Veronika Meduna from RNZ, heres what they had to say. This post originally appeared on The Wireless.
Kya Raina Lal: Opinion: Finding A Home for 10 Million People
Today our COP21 delegte Kya Lal was published by The Verb on Climate displacement in the Pacific.