The WTO Public Forum 

26-28 September 2017 | Geneva, Switzerland

The Public Forum is the World Trade Organisation’s largest annual outreach event. Held in Geneva each year since 2001, it provides a platform for public debate and discussion across a wide range of WTO issues and activities, as over 1500 policy makers, civil society representatives, business people and researchers come together to consider how to make trade work for more people and ensure that the trading system is as inclusive as it can be.

This year, the Forum’s theme is "Trade: Behind the Headlines". At a time when the debate on trade is perhaps more prominent and controversial than ever, the Forum will seek to go beyond the rhetoric to examine the challenges and the opportunities trade can bring.

As well as attending the conference, our delegates will have the chance to meet with NGOs and other stakeholders in Geneva to explore the Forum's issues in more depth, and work out where our world's headed. They'll also see the sights (including a visit to the UN!) and have some free time to explore this global hub of international governance.


DEPARTS AKL - 17 September
RETURNS TO AKL - 2 October

TRAINING WEEKEND - 9-10 September

$1500 DEPOSIT DUE - 21 August